Sunday, February 25, 2024



Chapter 1 To 5



1) Please read the board Textbook in detail.
2) Prepare all Definitions, Concepts, Laws, Rules, Properties/ Characteristics, Assumptions Formulae.
3) Prepare all diagrams, constructional diagrams, circuit diagrams, ray diagrams.
4) Following are the practice questions for your board study.

# For Numerical Problems study the Solved Problems from Balbharti PHYSICS Textbook and Solved all Unsolved problems from the Textbook.
CHAPTER 1.  Rotational Dynamics 

1. Distinguish Between Centripetal force and Centrifugal force.
2. What is the banking of road and obtain an expression for the maximum/minimum safety speed of vehicles moving along curve horizontal road.
3. Draw the neat labelled diagram of the conical pendulum state the expression for its periodic time and the term of length.
4. A bob tied to a string is whirled in a non-uniform vertical circular motion. Derive the expression for tension in the string at uppermost and lowermost position.
 5. Show that the difference in tensions in the string at the highest and lowest positions is 6 mg.
 6. Show that the K.E of a rotating body about a given axis is equal to 1/2 lω².
7. State and prove the theorem of parallel/perpendicular axes 
8. State and prove the law of conservation of angular momentum.
9. Show that / prove that L =Iα.          
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Chapter 2.
Mechanical Properties of Fluids
1. Define a) Intermolecular force b) adhesive force
c) Cohesive force d) Range of molecules e) Surface Film.

2. Explain the phenomenon of surface tension on the basis of molecular theory. 

3. What is Surface energy? Obtain the relation between Surface Tension and surface energy.

4. Define surface tension. State its SI unit and dimensions.

5. Define angle of contact? State its four characteristics.

6. Explain the effect of impurity on S.T?

7. Derive Laplace's law for the spherical membrane of the bubble due to surface tension.

8. Define capillary and capillarity.Obtain the expression for capillary rise or fall ?

9. Define critical velocity. Write the expression for the Reynolds Number.

10. Define Velocity gradient and coefficient of viscosity?

11. Explain Newton’s law of viscosity. Hence define coefficient of viscosity.

12. State the Stokes law. State its formula for Terminal Velocity.

13. Obtain an expression for terminal velocity of a spherical object falling through a viscous fluid.

14. Explain the formation of concave and convex surface of a liquid on the basis of molecular theory.

Chapter 3. Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation

1. On the basis of kinetic theory of gases. Derive an expression for the  
   pressure exerted by a gas.
2. Define R.M.S velocity / speed.
3. Explain Mayers relation for  a) Monoatomic Gas b) Dia-atomic c) polyatomic molecules.
4. Define a) coefficient of absorption b) coefficient of reflection c) coefficient of  
5. What is perfectly black body and Draw the labelled diagram?
6. Explain Ferry's black body.
7. Explain black body radiation spectrum in term of wavelength?
8. State and explain a) Wien's displacement law b) Stefan law ?
9. Define emissive power and coefficient of emission of a body?

Chapter 4. Thermodynamics 

1. State first law of thermodynamics.

2. State Zeroth law of thermodynamics.

3. Define internal energy. 

4. What is meant by thermal equilibrium? 
OR What is meant by the expression ‘two systems are in thermal equilibrium?

5. Work Done during a thermodynamics process.

6. Explain classification of thermodynamic systems.

7. What is a thermodynamic process? Give an exmple.

8. On the basis of the kinetic theory of gases, explain 
(i) positive work done by a system (ii) negative work done by a system.

9. Obtain an expression for the work done by a gas. OR Show that the work done by a gas is given by.
10. What is an isothermal process? Obtain an expression for the work done by a gas in an isothermal process.

11. Explain a) Reversible / Irreversible process 
b) Isothermal process. 
c) Isobaric process. 
d) Isochoric process. 
e ) adiabatics process /  
      cyclic process.

Chapter 5. Oscillations

1. Define linear S.H.M ? Obtain an expression for differential Equation of linear SHM.

2. From differential equation of linear SHM, obtain an expression for acceleration, velocity and displacement of particle in SHM ?

3. Discuss the composition of two SHM along the same path having same period and find the resultant amplitude and initial phase?

4. Deduce the expressions for Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy and total energy of a particle performing SHM.

5. Define Simple pendulum. Derive expression for the period of motion of simple pendulum. Also state on which factor it depends?

6. Define Angular SHM and obtain its differential equation?

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